Team Teaching Upper School Maths: Personalising, Projects and Cooperative Learning
Teacher Presenters
How do we best serve the various needs of students in a diverse classroom? Mixed ability level groupings? Tracking? Both? A team of teachers decided to teach the entire Grade 8 class mathematics at the same time. While working in cooperative learning structures students learn to play roles and engage other group members to work more effectively.
With modules, students gain more personalised pathways through the content, which in turn demands greater self efficacy and agency skills. The goal of this workshop is to share the successes and challenges of supporting students with diverse learning needs through the use of cooperative learning structures, projects, and “modules” that promote more personalised learning, by teaching the entire Grade 8 class at the same time with a team of teachers.
Through sharing their experiences the presenters hope to start a dialogue and inspire shared innovation toward creating methodologies and structures that better serve math classrooms with diverse learning needs.
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