How can engaging students in science and engineering practices help improve science instruction in your classroom?
Teacher Presenters
This session is for elementary teachers new to Next Generation Science Standards or those who would like fresh ideas for engaging students in science and is facilitated by a teacher new to NGSS. Information on the scientific practices, classroom successes and difficulties, and practical tools that can be used when participants return to the classroom will be provided. These practical tools include but are not limited to lesson plan and investigation ideas, graphic organizers, and interactive notebook templates.
Participants will also explore how tools such as the Driving Question Board, KLEWS (Knowledge, What we learned, Evidence, Wonderings, Reasoning), and CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) can be incorporated into science lessons. Finally, participants can share successes, difficulties, and resources they think might help us to improve science instruction. It is meant for teachers brand new to NGSS, but all are welcome if they would like to share ideas.
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