Building a Culture of Learning
Teacher Presenters
Fostering a culture of learning for all requires that professional learning practices reflect the beliefs and values of a school. AISB utilizes Ron Ritchhart’s Cultural Forces and the AISB Professional Inquiry Cycle as frameworks to support professional learning. The Cultural Forces provide a shared lens for the community to view and reflect on learning together. Teachers also inquire into their practice through the Professional Inquiry Cycle, which honors autonomy, collaboration, and research.
Participants in this session will learn about this innovative approach to professional learning and consider possible permutations designed to inspire and nurture a culture of professional learning in their schools. This workshop supports the overall theme of Making the World our Classroom - one less brick in the wall by breaking down barriers between classrooms through the promotion of a shared culture of learning within and across divisions. AISB has fostered an innovative approach to professional learning that emphasizes collaboration and research-based practice that positively impacts student learning.
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